Review Process for Applicants

The following eight steps outlines our review process for applicants, and shows what you can expect when using A New England Nanny to find your perfect household employment position:

Step 1:
Submit your application online.

Step 2:
We will review your application and if it meets requirements, we will contact you to schedule an initial phone interview.

Step 3:
If the phone interview goes well, we will schedule a face to face interview with you at our office. At this time, you will provide references.

Step 4:
A thorough screening check will be conducted, as well as review of all your references. If we find nothing negative through this research, you will then become part of the applicant pool for our families to choose from.

Step 5:
If a family chooses to interview you, you will be contacted by either them or us. In many cases, a phone interview will be scheduled first, followed by a face to face interview in the family’s home. If desired, we can provide you guidance on interviewing best practices.

Step 6:
If a family chooses to hire you, they will make the offer directly to you. You will then need to sign a candidate agreement.

Step 7:
Prior to your start date, we will perform a background screening check and provide you with a personal consultation to help you set up a successful employment relationship with your employer and cover topics such as payroll and tax advice, employee benefits, work agreement advice and understanding your rights as a household employee.

Step 8:
You Begin Working! We will routinely check in with you to answer any questions or concerns you have.

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