Local Daycares Face Sanctions – is a Nanny Share a Better Solution?

Jun 7, 2024 | Employing a Nanny, Parenting Advice

Recently, the Albany Times-Union reported that 8 local daycares are facing sanctions for issues relating to security and safety, citing them for violations that include corporal punishment and other issues such as lack of supervision. The daycares facing sanctions in the Capital Region include well-known day care chains and nonprofits in Albany, Schenectady, Saratoga, and Warren counties.

Some families prefer the social aspect of daycare facilities, how the children learn to work and play with their peers in a structured setting, preparing them for grade school. But given these recent issues, families that want that socialization without the potential safety issues of a facility should consider a nanny share as an alternative to daycare.

What is a Nanny Share?

In a nanny share, a nanny cares for the children of two or more families at the same time. This arrangement can help you save money and maintain your flexibility with child care. Your children will still receive individual attention from the nanny and get the added bonus of socialization with the other kids in your share.

It’s important to remember that even though a family may be sharing a nanny, the legal obligations for all involved families remain the same as if it were a one-family, one-nanny relationship.

Benefits of a Nanny Share

The main benefit of a nanny share is affordability – between the cost of hiring a nanny and the cost of daycare, child care is not cheap. But with a nanny share, families pay a more reasonable amount, as each family pays only a portion of the nanny’s hourly rate instead of what you’d pay if you hired her on your own.

Example: if the going rate for a nanny in your area is $800 per week, then nanny share families would each pay a reduced rate of about $600 per week. That means each family is saving $200 per week over what they’d pay if they hired the nanny for just their own family. Over the course of a year, that adds up to a lot of savings.

It’s also great for the nanny, as she’s now making an extra $200 per week, which is very reasonable since caring for two families requires extra coordination and schedules.

Making a Nanny Share Work

To ensure a successful nanny share — one that benefits you, your children, other families, and the nanny — follow these suggestions:

  • The family with which you enter a nanny share should have a child-rearing style similar to your own, since the nanny will be caring for both family’s children at the same time.
  • The children in both your family and your nanny share family should be around the same age, so their progression stays consistent.
  • If your children and your nanny share family’s children don’t already know each other, make sure the kids all get along before starting a nanny share. You want to ensure the children are compatible and avoid any potential behavioral problems.
  • Make sure both families clearly communicate their expectations with the nanny. All parties should be involved in determining the nanny’s work schedule, when she will be off for holidays, and how much vacation time she receives.

We’ll Help Set Up Your Nanny Share

Ready to get started?

Contact us at (518) 348-0400 and let us know you’re interested in setting up a nanny share. We’ll assist with the hiring and coordination between the nanny and the families. Let us know how we can make your life easier!



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