Hiring Through an Agency is the Right Choice

Nov 1, 2017 | Employing a Nanny

hiring through an agencyOnline job boards have become a more popular way for families to hire a nanny or other domestic worker in recent years, and while both agencies like A New England Nanny and job websites each have benefits, there are some key differences that demonstrate why hiring through an agency is the right choice.

In a survey of household employers conducted by GTM Payroll Services, it was clear that hiring a nanny through an agency rather than using an online job site saved time, boosted retention, and reduced the hassles of bringing on board multiple nannies over a short period of time.

A family that goes through an agency rather than an online job site when hiring a nanny, get a better quality nanny, one they’ll keep for longer, and they’ll spend less time finding the right match. For example, the survey found that 30% of families that hired through an agency had their current nanny for more than 3 years, while only 18% of those that hired through a website had their nanny for the same length of time. Also, 60% of agency-using families had one nanny in the past 5 years, where only 33% of website-using families had just one nanny in that timeframe. Finally, 59% of families that used an agency spent less than 20 hours on the hiring process, while only 24% of those who used a website spent less than 20 hours on the process.

In the same survey of household employers, 74% of those that hired through an agency said the hassle-free process and time savings was a top reason they decided to work with placement professionals. Agencies also aim to put forth the best matches for their clients as 91% of families said security and the screening of candidates was a top reason for going with an agency. Only the top applicants are presented to families for potential interviews, which helps cut down on time spent hiring and may result in a higher quality nanny whom the family will want to retain for a longer period of time.

The supposed benefit of using an online job site is a wider selection of candidates. However, 83% of respondents who used an online job site said the “number of responses from unqualified candidates” was one of the biggest drawbacks of going online to find a nanny. Sifting through applicants that don’t match a family’s criteria can add time and frustration to the hiring process.

Contact us at (518) 348-0400 to find out more about how we’ve been providing peace of mind to Capital Region families for over 26 years!

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