How To Write A Good Job Description For Nannies

May 10, 2019 | Employing a Nanny

good job description for nannies

What constitutes a good job description for nannies? A precisely written description of the responsibilities and requirements that specify employer objectives is a critical step in building a successful employment relationship.

A job description is, essentially, all the work to be done by the nanny, housekeeper, etc. It is really your first official document regarding your household employee hire. It differs from the work agreement, but they do go hand in hand. Often they contain the same material, but a household employer needs to develop both, since a job description is written before an employee is hired, and a work agreement is written after the employee is hired and is developed with the employee before his or her first day on the job.

Before you pick up your pen (or sit down at your keyboard) to write the job description, think about what it is you want to accomplish—what is the goal that has brought you to this need for hiring a household employee? Thoroughly think through what the position needs to accomplish, which tasks and duties are required to achieve the position’s goals, and what skills, abilities, and talents the employee must have to satisfactorily perform all that is required. Only then can a comprehensive job description be developed.

Consider, for example, the following:

  • Will the household employee need a car and a valid driver’s license?
  • Will the nanny be required to drive the child to a play date or school, or to the grocery store for food?
  • Will a nanny be required to take the child to the park or playground on a schedule or from time to time?
  • Will a nanny caring for two children be expected to prepare and feed the children breakfast and lunch?
  • Will the nanny be required to clean lunch dishes after the children have eaten?
  • Will the nanny be expected to sign for deliveries and packages?

There is a lot to think about and much to decide. If you are seeking a nanny, then you will want the nanny to focus fully on caring for the children—not to necessarily perform housekeeping chores. It may be that you need both a nanny and a housekeeper. Each household’s and each household employer’s needs vary greatly with each situation. Job descriptions should list all of the necessary qualifications (skills, education, certification, or license), essential job functions, and functions that are desired but not mandatory. Comprehensive job descriptions begin the employment on solid ground. With the job description in hand, the hiring process can begin.

Of course, A New England Nanny is here to help! We make hiring easy with pre-screened candidates, background checks, and interview tips. Call (518) 348-0400 to learn more.

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