Writing and Implementing a Household Employee Work Agreement

Apr 21, 2017 | Employing a Nanny, Working as a Nanny

A household employee work agreement is a detailed outline of the employment engagement. It establishes a clear understanding between you, as the employer, and your employee regarding their duties and responsibilities and helps reduce the likelihood of issues and misunderstandings during their employment. A household employee work agreement will also set the tone of your working relationships with open and clear communications.

Follow these tips as you prepare your own household employee work agreement.

Writing a Household Employee Work Agreement

  • Take your time and thoughtfully consider what to include in the work agreement.
  • If you plan to use a standard work agreement template, customize it to suit your household’s specific needs.
  • Specify the nanny’s schedule, wages, benefits, and job responsibilities.
  • If there is a time frame for employment (i.e. temporary placement), include those dates in the agreement.
  • The agreement should be easy to read and understandable by all parties involved.
  • Consider including a confidentiality clause that extends during and after employment.

Implementing a Household Employee Work Agreement

  • Once completed, discuss the work agreement with the employee and answer any questions and concerns they may have.
  • If the employee expresses a concern that can’t be resolved, recommend that the employee seek their own legal counsel.
  • You and your employee should sign and date the agreement. Provide a copy to your employee and keep a signed copy in the employee’s file.
  • The agreement should be in place prior to the employee’s start date.
  • Send A New England Nanny a signed copy for our records.

We are here for advice and input into creating your work agreement. Contact us at (518) 348-0400 for more information.

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