Blog Category:

Employing a Nanny

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Educational Assistance for Nannies

Educational Assistance for Nannies

Many nannies try to balance their education with their job as a caregiver. If you employ a nanny that is also in school, a very helpful benefit you might consider offering is that of educational assistance. Although optional, educational assistance for nannies is...

Should You Hire a Mature Nanny?

Should You Hire a Mature Nanny?

Often when people think of nannies or other child care providers, images of younger women come to mind. This could be mainly due to the media coverage when a celebrity's nanny is in the news, as those nannies are usually younger, or at most approaching middle-age. But...

Holiday Time is Family Time

Holiday Time is Family Time

Whether or not you look forward to the craziness of the holiday season, most people enjoy (at least for the most part) spending time with their families, especially those who we don't get to see very often. But with everyone's schedule so busy, it can be challenging...

When is a Child Too Sick for a Nanny?

When is a Child Too Sick for a Nanny?

One of the worst feelings a parent can have is when their child is sick, especially when the child is too young to communicate exactly how they’re feeling, where it hurts, etc. Needing child care can complicate things when a child is ill. Parents often don’t like to...

Vaccinations Up to Date for Back to School Season?

Vaccinations Up to Date for Back to School Season?

Parents – it’s back to school time; are your kids’ vaccinations up to date? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a recommended schedule of immunizations for infants, small children, pre-teens, and teens. This schedule is designed to protect...

The Importance of Nanny Daily Reports

The Importance of Nanny Daily Reports

Employing a nanny or other domestic worker is often mistakenly handled as an informal work situation. In fact, it is a professional endeavor requiring formal personnel practices and policies. One of these practices can be receiving a daily report from your nanny. Many...

Downtown Albany Goes to the Dogs!

Downtown Albany Goes to the Dogs!

We are very excited to partner with the Downtown Albany, New York Business Improvement District (BID) to be a vendor at an upcoming painting event for Albany-area families...and their dogs! Paw-Casso: Paw-painting for pups & people! will be held at the brand...

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