May 6, 2022 | Employing a Nanny, Working as a Nanny
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on a job applicant’s or employee’s religion. But did you know that federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws may also require household employers to provide religious accommodations for...
Apr 22, 2022 | Employing a Nanny, Working as a Nanny
You know that risks that come with paying a nanny illegally. But what if the great nanny you just hired doesn’t want to have taxes taken out of her check, or wants to be paid in cash? Some nannies may not realize the benefits and protections they’re...
Jan 7, 2022 | Employing a Nanny, Working as a Nanny
We all anticipate many snowy days to come in the next couple of months. With that in mind, here are some guidelines for families and their nannies about how to handle snow days. The first decision that a family must make is what constitutes a “snow day” (or other form...
Jun 28, 2021 | Child Care, Working as a Nanny
One of the most important – if not THE most important – factors for parents when hiring a nanny is trust. Without the peace of mind that trust brings, it’s difficult to want to leave your children in someone else’s care. Our payroll partner,...
Nov 8, 2019 | Employing a Nanny, Parenting Advice
When parents divorce, it can be an upsetting experience for everyone involved. This includes a family’s nanny, particularly when the nanny has been working for the family for some time before a divorce begins. It can be awkward coming to work in an environment...