May 13, 2022 | Employing a Nanny, Payroll, Taxes & Labor Laws
In general, you can’t pay your nanny a pre-set, flat-salaried amount for all hours worked in a week, because nannies are non-exempt employees who need to be paid at least time and a half for overtime. But you could pay them for guaranteed hours, which is different...
Apr 29, 2022 | Employing a Nanny
While providing employee benefits is largely optional and seldom required by law, employee benefits greatly help the household employer attract and retain high-quality nannies. To get and keep the most talented employees, employers must treat employees like...
Apr 8, 2022 | Payroll, Taxes & Labor Laws, Working as a Nanny
A nanny or other employee who works in your home is responsible for reporting and paying required payroll taxes. It is worth making sure that they are aware of their responsibilities at the start of employment, if they do not already know. As a nanny, or other...
Feb 25, 2022 | Child Care
Sometimes parents will need their nanny to spend a night caring for the children, whether it’s something planned in advance or a last-minute request. In this case, it’s important to know the rules about how to pay your nanny for an overnight shift. Our...
Feb 11, 2022 | Child Care, Parenting Advice
Lack of Child Care Options Continues to Dog the Workplace The current child care crisis is not only affecting families, but businesses as well. Our payroll partner GTM Payroll Services provides a look at the struggle employees are having, trying to balance their...